Top 3 reasons to work in the hospitality industry

Working in the hospitality industry holds a lot of appeal.

If it’s not the travel opportunities it brings, it might be the chance to meet and work with a variety of different people around the globe.

Hospitality requires you to work in a multi-cultural environment.

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Upcoming trends in the hospitality industry

The times are changing within the hospitality industry, like in many other sectors. There have been discussions that the new year will be a big one for the industry.

Regardless of the hospitality business that you run, below are some of the current hospitality trends and those that are upcoming.

Healthy eating becoming firmly mainstream

Restaurants, hotels and bed and breakfasts alike are continuously adopting a healthier menu. This has come to the extent of branded ‘healthy’ establishments no longer need to market themselves that way.

There has been a rise in the disappearance of vending machines that serve junk food and have now been replaced with healthier options such as berries, quinoa and yoghurt.

Reputation management on a new scale

Online reputation management hasn’t quelled either – its importance has essentially become more dynamic as a result of the growth of platforms beyond TripAdvisor that avid travellers use to share their hotel experiences.

Hotels are urged to be aware of the following social networking platforms during their attempts to influence the conversations about their establishment online.

  • Expedia
  • Facebook
  • Yahoo
  • Yelp

Hotel booking systems

A recent study conducted by Eviivo involving 500 individuals across the UK and Ireland has found that 74% of the 500 were less likely to make a booking with B&B or hotel which was without a website. Additionally, 68% argued that the website would need to be a good one as they would be put off by a poor site.

Continuing with the statistics, 73% had made most, if not all, bookings online in comparison the measley 5% who do not book online at all.

The above findings are point towards why a decent hotel booking system is a must.

Technology dominance

We know technology is advancing, thus why we should instill the idea that customers will now expect seamless experiences across all devices and platforms.

Many large hotel chains are now allowing check-ins on mobile phones – technology innovation hasn’t been more important for the hospitality industry than ever.

Working in the hospitality industry will see many changes as we progress. See the latest hospitality jobs in the UK here.

Working in the hospitality industry

If you’re considering getting into the hospitality industry, there are many many reasons why this is going to benefit you as a person!

The hospitality industry is varied with roles, offering something different every day. There are a variety of benefits that present themselves when becoming a part of this particular industry, below are the f main reasons why a hospitality career is desirable:


Hospitality is all about variety, there is never a working day thaty is dull. There are always new challenges to be tackled, even the opportunity to travel to different places; it’s understandable how this could make you want to get up early and head to work with a spring in your step.


There will be a few times where you are thanked for the work you do which is a great motivator to continue to perform at your best. Patrons will remind you that your work is highly appreciated – beign told your work is making others happy is truly rewarding.


The industry is incredibly stable – the financial meltdown that occured in 2008/9 hit the hospitality industry, however it survived and again is flourishing as an industry.


Hospitality dabbles in creativity with constant challenges that need to be faced head-on, requiring both creative and critical thinking.

For further information on the available hospitality roles, please visit our website!